Friday July 19th - Maintenance update

One of our builders/maintenance crews favorite tools, the Prohoe Rouge hoe.. At the view point before dropping into the Axemate pit, a favorite view for a lot of riders.

The team here at WCCA would like to give our trail pass holders an update on our 2024 Maintenance season! Our maintenance crew has been putting in some long hard hours in this heat and tropical weather we’ve been having (Huge thanks Marcus, Evan, Ben, Reed, and Faith). Before listing a highlight list of what has been happening, we’d like to take a second to say that passes are still available! ( The number of pass sales and the amount of work completed directly correlate, huge thanks to everyone who has already supported the 2024 WCCA Maintenance and Build season! 

So far this season, our team has completed:

  • TWSG : Raked top/bottom, fixed spring run off damage, fixed drainage

  • Ginger Route: Clean up and tune up

  • Curry: Clean up and tune up 

  • Cub Mtn general area: Greenery cut back and cleared 

  • GOLDMINE : Huge amount of work top-bottom, widened, cut back, tons of fresh dirt, everything tuned up, and returned back to a fast, flowy state

  • Moose Knuckle: Greenery cut back and cleared, bottom half tuned up

  • Yogi: Field portion greenery cutback and cleared

Our team is still working through the network, the upcoming Long Range Enduro is taking maintenance priority, our crew is currently working in the valley trails. 

We have a maintenance survey posted on our IG Highlights ( ). Please fill it out if you have any concerns or anything you’d like to see done, we are working on getting all trails in our network covered. Thanks for reading through this and supporting the WCCA. Safe riding!

Kyle Power